Thursday, March 18, 2010

Slaugther Rule: Slaughtering the US Constitution!

"I find it just slightly ironic that this tactic is known as the "Slaughter rule" after Rep. Louise Slaughter (D., N.Y.) Less ironic and more troubling are the president's comments yesterday that he's not "concerned with process," meaning, of course, the ends justify the means. That kind of mentality moves Obama away from the Jimmy Carter comparisons and lines him up squarely with Richard Nixon."
By Matthew Buckley

It seems as if our republic slowly slides away. Consider all the empires gone before that let their standards slide. In times of yore, they have been here before. How did Napoleon consolidate power? How did Caesar become Caesar? How did ex-corporal Adolf Hitler become Der Führer? As we see the machiavellian principles usurping our constitution; the ends justify the means they say....

As a country we need to reject all of these ends justify the means actions. There is no policy, no healthcare, no financial rescue plan so important it must happen unconstitutionally.

We rush to complicate healthcare with a hope of fixing it, but we cast aside the Constitution that has stood the test of time so well. We give away the crowning gift of our country for a box of aspirin? This is a sign that we have already lost so much of our former glory as the greatest country in the world. For some pain pills we surrender our national value system and core philosophy. We stray from the Constitution at our peril.

All of us that swore to uphold it before all enemies foreign or domestic? Where are we now? Have we lost the meaning of the very constitution we swore to defend? Who will fight for it? When our daily life has been overtaken by so many threats to security and fortune that to do so would mean being treated as a crazy man who spent too much time in the internet blog wilderness? To fight against the tide now would require the intelligent common man to fight against the machine and accept total personal loss to make a statement. Where are the leaders that would lead us us in this fight to save our nation's most cherished document?

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