Monday, March 15, 2010

Peak Oil, Globailization, and China.

Where we have been, where we are going...

Reading the above plus Krugman's and Karl Denninger's latest goes together nicely. Our deal with the devil has been allowing China to sell us everything at prices that undercut the working American Middle Class. Well, it's been nothing but a downward slide since China got MFN trading status.

I posit that unless we take action to wrestle control of our government back from global corporate interests and Chinese apologists we will continue to slide downwards. it won't end until America is a shell of it's former self. We are almost there. When America has lost everything only then will we start to rebuild, because China and Globalization will have taken everything. Peak Oil is the only thing that will save us. Pray that it comes sooner so that the fuel that powers Globalization wlll run out. I hope Jeff Rubin and Kunstler are right! The sooner we take the fuel of endless outsourcing away, the better for Americans.

Or: As a nation we could vote out entrenched interests that made all this possible and start rebuilding now. Wake up America! Buy American, Vote American.

If you can't buy American, at least don't buy Chinese!

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