Friday, March 26, 2010

Where too USA?

Given that our economy expanded over the last 20-25 years primarily by consumption financed by debt, and that there has been a steady offshoring and outsourcing of US manufacturing jobs to China and other nations. How are we going to expand an economy that doesn't make much of anything of tangible value to sell anymore, has borrowed against every asset it owns up to its eyeballs, has a government that is a bulging leech that no longer responds to its citizens needs, depends on imported energy to function,and supports the worlds biggest military involved in 2 wars halfway around the world fighting an elusive asymmetric enemy with at least one hand tied behind our back?

Service sector jobs don't matter that much, they are just the symptom! What matters is that unless we start addressing the issues above with real solutions, we are in trouble longterm as a country.

- We need to build and sell real products again. To do that we need to protect American Industry and eliminate government roadblocks/excessive regulation.

- We need energy self-sufficiency yesterday. Globalization is going to die at the base of Peak Oil.

- We need to stop Consuming! We don't need anymore electronic toys.

- We need a government of, by, and for the people again. Not of, by, and for GS,AIG, or Corporate and foreign lobbyists that subvert and corrupt our government.

- We need to stop fighting our enemies with politically correct ideas and strategies. No Quarter. No Mercy. Annihilate them, and leave.

If we don't start doing these things we will continue the slide. What is the point of another ten thousand service sector jobs? Everything based on consumption will fail without economic production. Until we start to protect US Manufacturing and Jobs we are so screwed. National Income comes from selling things. What are we selling to the world that is made in the USA? Goldman Sachs? AIG? Starbucks? Good luck maintaining our status as the sole Superpower with that team.

Government can try to borrow money to create jobs right up until China and the rest of the world stops buying our debt because they know that our system is broken. Then we will try to print $$ to pay the bills and we'll go the way of Zimbabwe. On the way we will see .gov take over our 401Ks, and IRAs to help buy some more jobs with debt.

Name one country that thrived long term while it's manufacturing base was shipped overseas in history?

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