Thursday, March 4, 2010

Classic Denninger! Deflation

Classic Denninger! Read the article at the link:

"You cannot continually offshore your better-paying labor to China for the purpose of being able to have a $30 DVD player, destroying the $40/hour skilled job base and replacing it with $7/hour burger flippers and espresso-shot-pullers, and maintain the ability to commit compound annual growth rates of 5, 6, 7% or more to public-sector employees. Doing so inevitably destroys the tax base necessary to meet those commitments, and once the destruction has occurred it cannot be un-done." Karl Denninger

My sentiments exactly! We must become a productive country again, or we will not see our GDP grow. What will it take? Reduce government overhead on business, reduce taxes, become protectionist again, kick out illegal immigrants and defend our borders, and become energy self-sufficient as much as possible. Until we start doing these things our income base will continue to shrink. It is that simple!

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